
  1. Antworten
    1. ... mit unserem Planeten - Heimat und Müllgrube ???
      Earth, Erde, Welt - Vedda ???
      Paradiese lost !!!
      Looking for a new Home in Space - next Destination EXOPLANET in OUTERSPACE !!!
      Far Far Away - 2782 AC - hit by the Bullet ???
      Destroyed by cosmic catastrophie after being hit 2024 and 2036 by asteroids.
      END - 2782 AD.
      After clumbing process durating millions and milllion years - Vedda is surrounded by 13 moons then.
      That happens a second time in Space.
      Life is gone as it exists today.
      Life exstincts in 2100 century by atomic war IV ... alien message report from future.
      Timetravel - jouurney through black holes ??
      Rescue by mothership - Greys ???
      As reported I will command spaceship in nearest future - Wartime - War of Worlds - Starwar.
      Inspected and tested - fueled and ready to go - 80 crew in a middlesized fighter 400m - stark weaponed spacefighter.
      Cosmic Convent is about to declare peace that time.
      If not - War ongoing as usual - until total victory.
      Let us go and fight !!!
      Victory and Survival for Mankind necessary !!
      Explore and Occupy SPACE !!!

      We will obsiege !!!
      Into a bright and lucky Future for everybody.
      Peace and Love



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